QR CODE LEFT: [ Written - Gmail Sent ]     
- In Wicked Voice  For Emphasis - 27 Mins

6) There is no end to the number of solutions or approaches to a wicked problem.
10) Planners, that is those who present solutions to these problems, have no right to be wrong. Unlike mathematicians, “planners are liable for the consequences of the solutions they generate; the effects can matter a great deal to the people who are touched by those actions.”


James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

I must REPORT a condition of FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT at the Williamson Country Jail in Georgetown ---- 24 Missing Smoke Detectors from the Infirmary Section of the Jailhouse.

James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Fri, Jan 7, 2022 at 1:50 PM
To: firemarshal@wilco.org, keeling.neves@wilco.org
Cc: Elizabeth Thomas <elizabeth.thomas@tcjs.state.tx.us>, help@texasjailproject.org, HQ-DIV00-OCIO-APO@fbi.gov, FBI Los Angeles Field Office - Community Outreach <LA_OPCA@fbi.gov>

QR CODE LEFT: [ Written - Gmail Sent ]     
- In Wicked Voice  For Emphasis - 27 Mins

6) There is no end to the number of solutions or approaches to a wicked problem.
10) Planners, that is those who present solutions to these problems, have no right to be wrong. Unlike mathematicians, “planners are liable for the consequences of the solutions they generate; the effects can matter a great deal to the people who are touched by those actions.”



What's a Wicked Problem?

In 1973, design theorists Horst Rittel and Melvin Webber introduced the term "wicked problem" in order to draw attention to the complexities and challenges of addressing planning and social policy problems. Unlike the “tame” problems of mathematics and chess, the wicked problems of planning lack clarity in both their aims and solutions. In addition to these challenges of articulation and internal logic,  they are subject to real-world constraints that prevent multiple and risk-free attempts at solving. As described by Rittel and Webber, wicked problems have 10 important characteristics:

1) They do not have a definitive formulation.

2)  They do not have a “stopping rule.” In other words, these problems lack an inherent logic that signals when they are solved.

3)  Their solutions are not true or false, only good or bad.

4)  There is no way to test the solution to a wicked problem.

5)  They cannot be studied through trial and error. Their solutions are irreversible so, as Rittel and Webber put it, “every trial counts.”

6) There is no end to the number of solutions or approaches to a wicked problem.

7) All wicked problems are essentially unique.

8) Wicked problems can always be described as the symptom of other problems.

9) The way a wicked problem is described determines its possible solutions.

10) Planners, that is those who present solutions to these problems, have no right to be wrong. Unlike mathematicians, “planners are liable for the consequences of the solutions they generate; the effects can matter a great deal to the people who are touched by those actions.”

Climate change, like problems in education policy and public health, is a wicked problem. It avoids straightforward articulation and is impossible to solve in a way that is simple or final.  Our changing conversations around climate science and conservation, the unique regional factors that determine the local consequences of climate change, and our ability to present endless possible solutions (as well as the irreversibility of these solutions) require we approach climate change with holistic and collaborative reasoning in search of long-term, future focused solutions. 

As scholars who work in the environmental humanities our goal is to understanding the problems of climate change while also critiquing the language and methods we use to articulate those problems. 

Rittel, H. W., & Webber, M. M. (1973). "Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning." Policy sciences, 4(2), 155-169. https://www.cc.gatech.edu/fac/ellendo/rittel/rittel-dilemma.pdf .


AJCR 2015/2

The nature of intractable conflict: Resolution in the twenty-first century

Book Review

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The term ‘intractable conflict’ is widely perceived as an impossible dilemma: a situation with which there is no positive outcome, no solution. These are the conflicts alleged to stubbornly elude resolution despite the use of popular conflict management techniques available. Intractable conflict, a vast area of concern, has often been characterised by the prolonged violent actions of state actors or communities in response to harmful social or cultural hardships. Redress and/or revenge are motivating factors. These conflicts have survived because of deep-rooted and complex attitudes, behaviours and situations which seem to be impenetrable to methods of resolution. Or are they? Christopher Mitchell in his book The nature of intractable conflict: Resolution in the twenty-first century, sets out to unpack the nature and behaviour of intractable conflicts of the twenty-first century. The book provides a detailed and intriguing overview of how certain conflicts became intractable, of the reasons for their prolonged survival and possible steps towards their termination. Over all, Mitchell attempts to provide a roadmap, not to lasting peace and security, but towards building a practical understanding of the theoretical issues and applicable techniques.

On Fri, Jan 7, 2022 at 11:13 AM James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:


Fire Marshal
Assistant Fire Marshal


Earlier today, I contacted The Texas Commission For Law Enforcement and had a Conversation With One Of Their Staff,

They Recommended That I contact The Williamson County Fire Marshall.

Home » Who We Are » Background » TCOLE Mission

TCOLE Mission

Our Mission

The mission of the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement, as a regulatory state agency, is to establish and enforce standards to ensure that the people of Texas are served by highly trained and ethical law enforcement, corrections, and telecommunications personnel.


I have attempted to contact on December 1st, 2021 The Texas Commission For Jail Standards with a Complaint, but that complaint was not taken seriously and was closed with no actions taken.

Dear Williamson County Fire Marshall,

I was an inmate at Williamson County Jail.

There is a condition in the jail that needs immediate correction.

PART 1 -- Complaint - Email Introduction - Sent December 1st 2021

PART 2 - Response of Complaint Closed -- Rejected

This has been placed onto a public Facebook Post:

Hey Human at Texas Commission On Law Enforcement --- Why Did You Just Disappear From The Messenger Message Window?
QR CODE LEFT: -- Complaint Closed --- No No No! I reject that position.
QR CODE RIGHT: Complaint Revisited


In order to save typing, I am copying my FACEBOOK MESSENGER CONTENT To the Texas Commission For Law Enforcement.

This contains EXTERNAL SAVED ARCHIVED LINKS of this HISTORY of my attempts to bring this matter to the attention of public service agencies.

Please Read Fully and Respond Professionally.

You may access the Public Archive of This Conversation With Image Attachments below here  -- This has a SPOKEN VOICE TEXT NARRATIVE INTERFACE TO THE MESSENGER CONTENT.

Thank you.  I should not have to make any more effort than to send this email.

A non-response result proves that corruption is blocking my way to resolve these matters.

Thank you.

Texas Commission on Law Enforcement

Texas Commission on Law Enforcement
6K people like this
Law Enforcement Agency

Today at 6:51 AM

You sent

What I am sharing here is very much real.

Texas Commission on Law Enforcement

Texas Commission on Law Enforcement
Thanks for messaging TCOLE. We try to be as responsive as possible, and will get back to you soon. Most inquiries are best directed to our staff at 512-936-7700. For your privacy, we do not release personal data via social media.

You sent

This goes to a complaint to Texas Commission on Jail Standards. James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 1:28 AM To: complaints@tcjs.state.tx.us Cc: help@texasjailproject.org

You sent

You sent

You sent


You sent

Hi there -- are you live?

You sent

Is there a human here

You sent


You sent

You Represent This Statement: Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Thanks for messaging TCOLE. We try to be as responsive as possible, and will get back to you soon. Most inquiries are best directed to our staff at 512-936-7700. For your privacy, we do not release personal data via social media.

You sent

You sent

You sent


You sent

Human, are you there?

You replied to yourself

Original message:
This Messanger Content is public archived: http://facebook.fuckeduphuma

Today at 7:34 AM

You sent

hey Human --- are you going to type a response?

You sent

Note KVUE has been informed in these concerns.

You sent

You sent

FBI has been directed to these concerns.

You sent

Do you have a response --- your silence goes to be unprofessional and proves an allegiance to a conspiracy of corruption.

You sent

Do you have a human name?

You sent

Why The Silence?

You sent

First Voice Call To: Elizabeth Thomas Texas Commission On Jail Standards Elizabeth Thomas – Complaint Inspector 512.463.8089 ===== SECOND VOICE CALL --- TO: Texas Commission On Law Enforcement In Response To: Thanks for messaging TCOLE. We try to be as responsive as possible, and will get back to you soon. Most inquiries are best directed to our staff at 512-936-7700. ---- Will anyone actually be truthful?

You sent

Gretchen Grisby?

You sent

Fire Marshall For Willamson County was Recommended. - I will seek that remedy. That does not negate or nullify the purpose to why I have crossed over to this page to provide a reference to the actual truth that is in the violations of the Williamson County Jail under the Sheriff's Office Authority.

You sent

Apparently, Gretchen Grisby [ Sp? ] is home sick with Covid.

You sent

She has a replacement that started on Monday ---- that is attending to these communication tools

You sent

interface --- may I have your human name, please.

Today at 8:29 AM

You sent

THIS FACEBOOK MESSENGER CONTENT - PUBLIC ARCHIVE --- THIS EXACT TOOL -- HAS BEEN UPDATED -- INCLUDING SPOKEN VOICE NARRATIVE MEDIA INCLUDED. 6 Min facebook.fuckeduphuman.net/Texas-Commission-on-Law-Enforcement/Texas Commission on Law Enforcement.htm

You sent

That is a REAL VALID URL ----

You sent

Human, can you please provide that you have RECEIVED the SERIOUSNESS of this CONTENT by Acknowledging me here?

You sent

That would be professional of you.

You sent

My domains are SITESAFE Scanned Ok.

You sent

Seriously --- This is VALID CONTENT ---

You sent

A professional response here is required.

You sent

Can I have your name?

You sent

Play thie media file --- really

You sent

you can't get malware from an ogg file

You sent

Safe Web Report for: facebook.fuckeduphuman.net Website safety status: The website is not blacklisted and looks safe to use. Data performed by Google Safe Browsing Checker https://sitechecker.pro/app/main/website-safety-land?pageUrl=facebook.fuckeduphuman.net

You sent

Are you going to respond?

Texas Commission on Law Enforcement

Texas Commission on Law Enforcement
Mr. Driskill, your messages have been received.

You sent

Thank you ---- Why does it take so much effort to get such human care?

You sent

Why The Silence? Answer: Hate Sympathizing Fucked Up Human Piggies. [ Has Been Resolved Here --- You all Who Hold Silence Is Golden Are Insane! ]

You sent

Why Would An Entire Civil Society Ignore or Worse Block For No Reason Across All Social Media --- ? I remain #HIVUNTREATABLE ---

You sent

You sent

Thank you for your response

You sent

Have a nice day

You sent

I really was about to report this conversation. If you listen to the Why Would An Entire Civil Society... you would get a clue to what has happened upon my life in the corruptions that you are actually internal to. I don't understand you are all not being professional. This conversation at least has been confirmed received --- one from many that ignore me.

You sent

Thank you once again

You sent

I am really dying. Dying from not being able to get proper doctor care here in California. I was on an AMTRAK TRAIN headed to the United Nations to DENOUNCE my United States Citizenry and change my COUNTRY to some other country that does not allow the haters to win. --- California to New York - I attempted to have a conversation with the Amtrak Train Conductor --- and she STOPPED THE TRAIN and the WILLIAMSON COUNTRY LAW ENFORCEMENT PULLED ME OFF THE TRAIN. My Story is Very Much Real. If you care.

Today at 9:26 AM

You sent

Crisis Text Line TERMINATED MY CONNECTION saying I was a PRANK. Kareo Patient-Portal Asks Me A Question Then Blocks Me. What the fuck is that? You all are MONSTERS! Would you be open for updates to my plight from haters who are allowed to intentionally win? The Smoke Detectors Removed From The 24 Cells of the Infirmary Unit of the Williamson County Jail is very much real, why does everyone ignore me?

Today at 9:59 AM

You sent

sure used to be we stood up for what was right we fought for moral reasons we passed laws struck down laws for moral reasons we waged wars on poverty not poor people who sacrificed we cared about our neighbors we put our money where our mouths were and we never beat our chests we built great big things made ungodly technological advances explored the universe cured diseases and we cultivated the world's greatest artists and the world's greatest economy we reached for the stars acted like men we aspired to intelligence we didn't belittle it it didn't make us feel inferior we didn't identify ourselves by who we voted for in the last election and we didn't scare so easy we were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed by great men men who were revered first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one America is not the greatest country in the world anymore enough ----- Really Enough?

You sent

There is a problem in all of this mess --- why does every aspect of civil society ignore me?

You sent

Hello --- Just thought I would give some final thoughts on what is wrong here --- and if you have any care or concern to belong to a world --- professionally. I will sign off this now. Please consider you rare that you actually found a single line input into this -- as strange as that might be --- it should not be so difficult to have a conversation about what is wrong with the world around us.

You sent

Per Referral by Ms. Grisby -- I am contacting: Fire Marshal firemarshal@wilco.org

You sent

TCOLE Mission Our Mission The mission of the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement, as a regulatory State agency, is to establish and enforce standards to ensure that the people of Texas are served by highly trained and ethical law enforcement, corrections, and telecommunications personnel. ------- The reason to contact your organization is on key. The Pass The Buck To Some Place Else May Not Be A Correct Course Of Action -- but I will proceed as though you care to be a listening presence in the correction of the matters here.